Tuesday, October 14

Longtime friends say Obama would benefit gays

Want to know what kind of president Barack Obama would be for gay Americans? Just listen to his longtime gay friends.

That was the thinking of the Human Rights Campaign PAC, the political arm of the nation’s largest gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender group.

So after endorsing Obama, HRC sent a camera crew to Chicago to interview gay folks like activist Gail Morse who knew him way before the rest of us.

“We’re going to have a partner in the White House. We’re not going to have an enemy,” Morse says in the “Friends” video. “He sees us as people with issues that government can address.”

On the night Obama accepted the Democratic presidential nomination, HRC e-mailed the “Friends” video to nearly 900,000 of its friends and urged them to forward it.

The video is part of HRC’s all-out effort to persuade gay Americans that by helping Obama win they’ll get a real friend in the White House, who could help Uncle Sam catch up with changes in the states.

Find more after the jump...

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