The Morehouse men do it again and get national recognition in the process. Michael (MJ) Brewer organized a successful week of events called the "No more 'no homo' initiative". From the exclusive 4 page LA times article and the feedback received from HRC volunteers who attended the panel discussion, the event was a major success. I am personally elated with the work the Morehouse men, MJ especially, have done for equality. In an environment not particularly friendly to our kind, people like MJ stand on the front lines, hearts on their sleeves, and fight with courage, patience, and compassion. I am touched and honored that someone I don't know personally is working to change the hearts and minds of people so that my friends and I can walk down the streets unafraid. I thank you, MJ, and the Human Rights Campaign thanks you.

Now, what about the future? Rumour has it that the Spelman women will be carrying on the tradition of the "no more 'no homo' initiative". Morehouse, you were great and all, but I'm really excited to see what a woman can do with this. You better bring it hard Afrekete because MJ set the bar high.
Find the LA Times Story at:,0,1504077.story
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