Thursday, August 28

GOP Paltform Resoundingly Anti-GLBT

Rod 2.0, gay political and social commentator, is balking on his blog at the Log Cabin Republican's assessment of their party's platform. This years GOP platform is once again resoundingly anti-GLBT calling for the works, constitutional bans and all! But, the Log Cabin Republicans are saying that the platform is "symbolic". Here's part of what Rod 2.0 had to say:

Here is some straight talk for Scott Tucker, the Log Cabin Republicans and other gay McCain groupies: The Reopublican presidential nominee is just not that into you. What "battles" will you fight? McCain supports the marriage bans in California and Arizona and opposes pro-gay legislation such as ENDA or expanding hate crime definitions. The Log Cabinettes are quick to remind us that McCain opposes a federal amendment but he sure did campaign for the Arizona marriage amendment that ultimately failed. These are not “symbolic” gestures, these are positions and legislation that affects millions of gay men, lesbians and transgenders.

Find more of Rod 2.0's commentary on this issue after the jump...

Find the AP article on the GOP Platform here...

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